Friday 2 August 2013


My third day in the city of Gent. Getting Getting here was easy and went smooth enough. After getting out of the plane I took a bus to the Brussels to find myself in huge central station and no idea of where to get any sort of tickets or anything. A quick question and the nearest information board and I was hurrying along to the right platform to catch the train that was 10 minutes late anyway. Quick train swap in Gent in order to get as close as possible to my destination, because 25kg bag doesn`t sound like much unless You have to pull it trough the city for 40 minutes. I found my apartment quickly enough and was greeted by the owner of the room. After getting a tour around the house and little chat I was left alone for three days when others come back from their business.
Yesterday I went to check out the city itself and get the stuff I wasn`t able to bring with me. Gent is a really nice place and I really like the overall feel I get when moving around. I like the lack of high buildings, and unlike the last time I was in Belgium - I ain`t the only damn 20ish year old around. Although that was to be expected because this is rather large city with it`s own university. Anyway I`m quite happy with my experiences so far. On next Monday my internship starts so I`m looking forward to that.

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